The Quality Of Thinking
WE have discussed already about positive thinking on above topic.At the same time it is necessary to improve the quality of thinking.The quality of our life depends on the way we think.
Thinking should not be mistaken for worrying. Most of us worry about current problems. With this our thinking is not purposeful. Worry it is said that it is a circle of inefficient thoughts whirling about a point of fear.
To day in our society many suffer because of depression also. Worry causes fatigue. A body under stress cannot work. If work is not done result is Zero. Therefore one has to get rid of worries and enhance self confidence.
People who have no self confidence cannot achieve effectively. Your thoughts lead you to move in the path of success.Thinking power has to be enhanced.Thinking is the important thing in life.
Day by day one has to improve the quality of thinking. Blindly following things is no good. By way of thinking one can solve many problems.
Thinking much-speak little.
Think- Then you act
Think twice- speak once
Think of good, the true and beautiful. A wise man always thinks. It is the quick thinkers who become leaders.Listening lectures, reading books,dealing various aspects of life etc. stimulate thinking. Great thinkers were intellectuals.
They started campains to educate the mass. Thinking is a continuous expansion of intellectual growth. The thoughts of thinkers never fail. Suppose you are asked to tell your opinion about a subject. Think about the subject and the theme
from various angles and collect a few points relating to it. After you have sufficient material, analyse. Think over and give your opinion. Thinking makes things perfect. You will come to know certain points based on which you
decided how best you can give opinion or do a job.
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