Monday, 21 January 2013

Presence Of Mind

Presence Of Mind

Imagine your are at a work. It is a very important work. The accomplishment of works brings the employer huge amount and the product is useful.
But you are thinking of your family affairs. At one stage you have done a blunder the work got spoiled. The employer lost twenty lakhes. The only thing
you did not attend is you forgot to put off the switch. The compressor burnt into spares which were of no use further. You were absent minded. 
You had no concentration on the work. So you failed.
Let me cite one more example,quite different. Mr.s Was working in a Thermal Power Plant. He was working on a board from where on a board from where controls were possible. He was keen. 
At one stage he was looking into the parameters well. He understood that there is a leakage in the boiler. Immediately he advised his superior to shut down the generating unit.
 His boss obtained the permission of his superior and arranged for shut down. There was no loss to the company.To do any work, it may be singing also,
presence of mind is required. When a worker works with a machine or a lathe he should concentrate on the machine in such a way is presence of mind.A student in an examination hall should write answers for the questions asked.
 Instead if he writes a love letter what would be his fate?
Mr.J was a professor in a college. But was absent minded what is the use?He was  teaching poetry in science period. Naturally presence of mind in dealing with all situations and people is important.
This aspect counts much when we talk about personalty development. One cannot become absent minded while doing a job or interacting with other person. 
He should be mentally alert; otherwise the result can be disastrous.Today people are eager to do work very quickly and gain profit. Quality work is diminishing.It is a competitive world.
 While doing so there is every possibility of doing things wrongly. The net effect is serious. A plane may collide another engine causing innumerable deaths.
 At times it mars the capacity. Instead of speed one can be slow but steady  Under any circumstances we should not loose our presence of mind.


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