Monday, 21 January 2013

The Power Of Ambition

The Power Of Ambition

Our previous President Abdul Kalam has said "It is a crime to have small dreams." Kalam was born in a family of fishers men. Who anticipated That Kalam president of India . He became a world famous scientist.
According to him one must think big-dreams big.Just dreaming is no good.Dreams should come true. Life is a beautiful dream. To make it real one has to work hard. You must be a man of ambition.
 Suppose you want to become an IAS officer ,doctor,film director.Whatever may be the consequences,you should not relax till you reach the goal. Let the sky be your limit.for pessimistic s every moment is a hell. 
For optimistic  every second is a challenge. Many people take on earth. But not all become Abraham Lincoln,Abdul Kalam,Nehru or Shakespeare. Only   a few become kalam,Tagore,Lincoln,Kennedy and Harold Robbins?
Do they have any extra parts or organs ? They have created histories. They were men of ambition. The power of ambition was great in them. But there are many people who are grief stricken and dying in poverty.
The reason they tell is that it is because of the past deeds. It is escapism self deception. Then we may ask a question what are they doing for their next birth?Are they doing any good job?
Always talk about present. If a student does not do well in his examination how can he expect a pass?
Jesudas can attract lakh's of audience by his way of singing. He is the only man on the stage. How was it possible ? It is because of his achievement and ambition to become a great singer. 
The power of ambition shapes the life of an individual. Without ambition nothing could be achieved.Alexander the great was the man of ambition. He conquered the capital of Persian empire. 
He wanted to win the whole world.Who do not remember the words-'I came, I saw, I conquered'.Julius Caesar who said this became the master of entire Roman world.
Everybody wants fame and see dreams.To make the dreams true they do not work properly. At least we should think once how was it possible for the other man but not to us. 
Then we have to inculcate  some specific Qualities is us.
Few of them are 
-hard work
-too much talking or conversing is to be avoided.
-useless friends to be avoided
- healthy habits to be followed 
-Exercise and meditation 
-Selfless work
- not commenting on achievers
What are you doing for improving your personality?
Are you simply allowing your body to grow well and have a good personality.
It is not that the physical personality that counts. It is over all personality that decides the victory,fame and prestige of a person. I can achieve- I achieve Let this be the foundation for the dreams of self confidence.
just day dreaming for 2 hours do not serve the purpose.
For success be ready to have.
-clear thoughts
-good behavior
-good dress
-command over language
-good character
-good concentration
-leadership qualities
Let there not be poverty for thoughts.
Let there not be poverty of scarcity for knowledge.


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