Goal Setting
It is true that very few people discover their purpose in life. That too many of them late. We should have a purpose in our life.A purposeless life is living a death. There will be no difference then between us and animals.Have a purpose and check whether you are getting any close to your purpose in life. It is better if we find a purpose in our life earlier. The purpose of life is just not to satisfy the self.
It is for our families,organizations and country. Remember as Janette Cole said we cannot helps those who help ourselves without helping others.(God helps those who help themselves).We cannot enrich our lives without enriching others.We cannot prosper without bringing prosperity to others.Also self help is the best help. Who's a happy man?A man who make others happy Is it not?
So, why more people have no set goals, because they are pessimistic.It is also true that they fear of failure. The other reasons are lack of ambition, low self esteem ignorance of the importance of goals and a lack of knowledge about goal setting.
Goals can be short term (up to one year),mid term(up to three years) and long term up to five years) goals.When the goals become longer than five years then they become a purpose of life.But still they are easily achieved if they are broken into small ones. Goals must be specific,measurable,achievable,realistic and time bound' says Shiv khera. Have a definite, clear written goal and a plan to accomplish it.
In achieving goals one should not neglect one's family,health and social responsibilities. In the process of making money many people forget their family and health.Our goals should not be low,rather they should be high enough to motivate. there should be action to fulfill the goals. Goals without action are empty dreams. Goals define a purpose in life.Of course the purpose varies from person to person.
Like 'Not getting what we want','getting what we want'is also a tragedy in life because of distorted values. Many a times it becomes the Midas touch. Even after getting what we want we cry. Therefor, goals must be balanced for eg: A person asked for strength he was made weak.A person asked for power he was given weakness.A person asked for health he was given infinity.A person asked nothing,
he got everything of course he had hoped for. it is only when our value system is clear it becomes easy for us to make decisions and commitments. We have to learn values from ancestors. We have to learn values from our ancestors, parents and teachers. Especially the teacher is more responsible .Unless we learn values, we cannot improve our personality.
For eg: Always speak truth
Honesty is the best policy
Be human
Be kind to animals
Love your neighbor
These are all ideas in life. They are taught to each children. Swami Vivekananda has said that we must have life building, man making, character molding assimilation of ideas. He said that we want education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased,intellect is expanded of mid by which one can stand on this own feet.
Day by day we get experience. Experience is the best teacher. we gain experience by doing work and observing things.our experience may be satisfactory, advantageous, or disadvantageous. Our experience whether fruitful or bitter it plays a vital role in developing one's personality.If experience didn't teach us or if we don't learn from our experiences we will become despicable.
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