Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Self Denial

Self Denial

Confucius wrote :"He who wishes to secure the good of others has already secured his own. there is a direct link between service to others and rewards in life."
Many people in the world work day and night either to earn money or fame. Money is the essential thing. Money's an important part of life in our society today. It is surprise to note that the moneyed man is respected.He has people at his beck and call.
He can enjoy all the luxuries of life and even his vices are condoned. However, very few people only have understood what is meant by service. Even those people are becoming extinct. In this world selfishness is playing a vital role.Each one worry for their up fitment. 
Nothing wrong.Nobody say that it is incorrect. But one should know service mindedness is a virtue. Self denial is rare. The big word is SERVICE. The most acceptable service of God is doing good to man. Today the scene is changed. If you ask anybody they say social service is not their duty. 
The Government has to look after social service work. This is the answer. "Tell what you have done to your motherland. Do not think what John F.Kennedy, the youngest American president said:We should serve the mankind and society. Selfishness should not be our motto.
'Mehenat Seva Ram Ki'This is what Vinoba Bhave said. He was a great Sarvodaya leader. According to him hard work is service to god. What type of social service one can do ?
There are many.
Eg: Environmental cleaning 
 Protecting environment Service to patients in public hospitals Protecting victims during earth quake  floods etc. Adult education educating people about cleanliness etc. 
Every one of us work for the family. Even animals feed their young. There is nothing great in doing it.
Mahatma Gandhi served leprosy patients. Mother Teresa was a saint. She served the mankind through her life. Baba Amte started homes for leprosy patients. Dr.Sudarshana teated people of tribal region. These personalities showed kindness to mankind. Basveshwara in one of his vachanas says-"Is there any religion which doesn't show kindness?"
-Kindness is the foundation of all religions. We have to be kind towards poor people and animals. Self denial is a prime factor. Extreme selfishness of self centeredness is nothing but a disease. Selfless service gives satisfaction.Where can we find people like Gandhi, Teresa, Dlorence Nightingale in these days.
They were all great personalities. Such personalities are rare today wherever we are, whatever service we do.We must know that it is for the society and the nation. Unless we love our motherland or patriotic our views deffer. Having born we have to protect our land. We have to work for the progress of the country. 
"our mother and motherland is great,are indeed of every hour. We are one nation. We may live in a part of the country. The languages may vary,culture may differ. The color of the people, appearance  manners, good habits all vary. But still we belong to one nation and see unity in diversity.
 We should never allow the religious intolerance that sows the seeds of hatred and makes the nation to face the danger of disintegration. Patriotism should inspire us to make every sacrifice needed to make our country rich and great. At the same time it should not lead to throttling the freedom of other nations.
Integration is just bringing one and all together and see everybody is in harmony.Our country is India. India is a vast country.Many religions,castes and creeds live here together. Though usually they live in harmony and cooperation with each other, some times the harmony is disturbed and it creates many social problems. Several anti social elements hurt and disturb the peace.
In spite of the fact that there is an apparent disunity in the country because of language,inter state disputes etc. Basically there is cultural unity which is seen in every walk of life. Eminent leaders have tried their best to bring unity among people. We have slogans like, Vande Matharam, Jai Hind,Jia Jawan Jia Kisan Sarve Janah SUkhino Bavantu,Aram Haram Hai BholO Bharath mata ki jai etc.
Many leaders have sacrificed their lives for a cause. Dr.B.R Ambedkar fought to abolish untouchability which had trived in the country for centuries. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru used to work eighteen hours a day for the progress of the country. Subhash Chandra Bose inspired the youth.Swami Vivekanandha was a man with vision. 
He said: "Let us fill our minds with thoughts of peas  courage,health and hope. for our life is what our thoughts make it. Arise,Awake." He declared that great things can be done by great sacrifice only.
Thus in developing personality,one has to have the right mental attitude. Selfless service is one among them. Building a good personality does not comprise of having only good physique and beautiful body features but a capacity to work beautifully and harmoniously in word and deed. Honest dealing in everything is the secret of success. Honesty is required in building a good personality.
A clean heart,pure conscience, and self confidence for foremost secret of success. It is required in personality development also.


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